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This is really late, since it actually happened during my first week, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to share it. After praying about it, I decided the rest of you should know the amazing things that happened!

Since this was our first revival night, we had no idea what to expect. We’d heard conflicting accounts surrounding what might happen, so we went into it with a feeling of excitement yet uncertainty.

The worship swelled to encompass the room, and soon we were all swaying, singing, raising our hands, and pouring out our hearts to God. I was on my knees, my eyes closed, practicing talking with God.

I had a feeling that God had something big planned, and I asked Him what it was. In my mind’s eye, I saw people getting up on stage and sharing encouragment with the whole group. I heard the words “prophecy” and “healing”. I had no idea if I was just imagining what I wanted to happen, or if it was really something from God.

I felt God calling me to stand, so I did, now focusing more on the worship than talking to Him. Shortly afterwards, people started coming up on stage and sharing passages from the Bible, and speaking encouragement over us! One boy started telling us how this is our boot camp for getting ready to face the lies of the enemy head on! He told us, “You just got freaking recruited!”

This fired everybody up, and empowered people to start praying for everyone! I prayed for a few people, then started worshipping again. From the back of the group, I heard screams of joy and laughter of amazement. I worked my way back and learned that someone’s scoliosis had just gotten healed!!

And this wasn’t the only healing! Earlier in the week, a girl’s chronic pain, which she’d been dealing with for most of her life, was miraculously healed!!

The night ended soon afterwards, but the wonder and joy stuck with us all throughout the next day!! I’d never witnessed a healing before. I’ve always believed that God could still heal, but that He just chose not to. It was incredible to learn that not only does He heal sometimes, He actually heals a lot!!

God is so much more powerful than we can comprehend, but He’s also so much more good than we could ever imagine! My prayer is that everyone will experience a taste of His love at least once in their lives!!

3 responses to “Worship: Revival Night”

  1. Sofia! Thank you for sharing this with us! We need to remember just how powerful our God is and that He wants to heal us always!!! It may look different in every situation but He desires it for us! LOVE IT

  2. I’m so enjoying reading this Sofia. Our small minds tend to think always the physical healing but God heals our heart and mind as well as the physical. I have experienced this. God is full of surprises and his ways are not our ways. His timing is perfect.

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