I forgot to post this before I got to Guatemala. This was from the week of debrief!
This worship was different, because it was speaker worship, in our SMP (Squad Meeting Point), with only our Squad. I wasn’t sure how it was going to go, but God moved in such a cool way!
The worship portion only lasted a half hour. It was quiet, reverent, and, honestly, pretty subdued. It was like there was a weight in the room, preventing anything but quiet worship from coming up. Personally, I felt like it was just what I needed, but there was still something off about it.
Halfway through the worship, someone stood up and said that she felt like there were things that had to be surrendered to God, and she invited us to give it all to Him. This was done individually, between us and God.
When worship was done but before we could leave, again, someone stood up and said they could feel a weight in the room, and they knew they weren’t the only one. After some agreement from around the room, and some discussion for how we could counter it, people started volunteering to be prayed over.
We formed a giant circle, laid hands on whoever needed prayer, and prayed for an upwelling of joy and a lifting of this oppressive weight.
After we prayed over her, we talked about how we all were wanting to get back to being known as the Joy Squad, not the Squad that survived the hurricane. As amazing as that was, we didn’t want it to be our identity.
We kept praying over different people, breaking off the things keeping us from a closer relationship with God, declaring freedom and joy in Jesus’s name. We surrendered what God told us to surrender. We laughed and joked and felt the weight lift off our chests.
Then we went back to worship, this time moving to the dining deck, because we were going to dance, and there would be people trying to sleep under our feet if we were still in the SMP. We came out and danced and jumped and sang and cheered and screamed! It was so freeing!!!
It was also so fun because serve team randomly baked us cookies! So as we were dancing in joy and wild abandonment in our Father’s presence, we were also eating cookies!! It was such a fun little surprise!
The Bible says that when we seek God with all our hearts, we’ll find Him, and He made the fulfillment of this scripture so obvious!
Cookies and worship should always be a thing!