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I’m just going to combine everything that’s happened during the past week into one blog!
Travel days were pretty uneventful. We took two buses total, the first to Johannesburg, and the second to our base in Eswatini! I’ve gotten quite good at sleeping on moving vehicles, a necessity when you take a 19 hour bus ride, followed by an 8 hour bus (during which I watched Lord of the Rings with Caryse)!
Sadly, I was pretty dehydrated during the two days we were traveling, and when we made it to base, they were almost completely out of water! I was able to fill my water, but then it had to last me the rest of the day (we arrived at 6:30pm), all night, and until lunch the following day, when we got more clean water.
But wait, I need to tell you about our Squad’s reunion!!! It was full of jumping, screaming in excitement, and so many hugs! It made me smile so wide to watch everyone reunite with their friends!
We had a day of rest, then the next day, we jumped into ministry! Our teams were rearranged so we had someone from every team going to the 3 carepoints (a playground where we play with kids all day and give them a good meal!). It’s so fun seeing everyone interact with the kids!
It’s been such a blessing to hang out with the kids, especially since I normally struggle to play with kids. But I’ve been praying before each day of ministry, and God’s been showing up in such a strong way, that everyone notices! It’s so cool to experience!
We help out at the carepoints from 10:00-4:00, when we pile into a van and drive back to base, always a crazy and energetic ride! We’ll usually share our experiences from the day with the other teams, then I’ll take a few minutes to myself before dinner, followed by base clean up, followed by team time!
In Eswatini, we had another leader switch, so now Kayli (her original team was the Doves) is with us! It’s a little bit of an adjustment everytime we swap leaders, but it’s always so good to hear what God teaches each person!
That’s been my week! It’s been a time of growth, sweat, kids, friends, Euchre, and God! What more could you want?

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