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Week 3 was the last week of training camp, and honestly, it was informative. We spent a lot of this week talking about spiritual warfare. More specifically, the ways the enemy works against us and the power we have against him.

Almost all of our sessions were on this topic, and, in the words of my team, “Why does nobody talk about this!?” The teachings were powerful and Biblically based!

We learned what gives the enemy a foothold in our lives, ways we can avoid opening ourselves up to his lies, and what it can look like when he’s trying to influence our decisions. We also learned how to use the name of Jesus to rebuke and cast the enemy out, how we have authority from Jesus over him, and how to pray in intercession on behalf of others! I think the coolest thing we learned is that this isn’t a big deal! This is as natural as gravity!

And speaking of gravity, it was definitely working against us as we hiked to the top of Mount Yonah, then down again the next day! We went 3,166 feet in elevation! It was exhausting (I’m still sore from it today), but so much fun!

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were Squad-led worship, and it was SO good! A few people on my Squad led it on Thursday (the same day we did the hike),and it just went so well!

The next day we had our last (probably) revival night, and while it started out slow, it quickly grew to be my favorite yet! I’ll share more in a separate post!

Saturday was quiet, basically Sabbath, except we sent people to Walmart and the Laundromat to clean our clothes really well before we head out to Domestic Missions (I’ll explain in a bit)! Then, for dinner, we had a few people from each Squad (our Beauty for Ashes girls) set up a nice dinner, prepare a message, and lead worship! I don’t normally like fancy events, but this was actually so nice!

Domestic Missions is what we’ll be doing during the next week. Before they send us into other countries to share the Gospel, they first send us to different states! My Squad is going to North Carolina, where we’ll be partnering with Excel College to do different ministries! I’ll share more on that when I’ve actually done it!

We’re all struggling with aligning more truly with Christ right now, so prayers in that area would be so appreciated! Pray that we would release everything still holding us back from doing the Spirit’s work! And also prayer for physical healing would be so welcome! A lot of people have been sick for so long, and they just need to feel well again!

One response to “Training Camp: Week 3”

  1. This is so inspiring Sofia and you are sharpening your skills to bring so much hope, love and peace to others. Will be praying for hearts and God’s wisdom for all as you continue your journey. Prayers for those stuck in the pits that they receive and believe the healing power of God is for them. Love that you did a nice hike and are headed to NC before your next divine appointment. Have a great week! ❤️🙏G.Auntie Kim

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