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In the words of my friend, Lily, “So much happened this week!” It’d be impossible to summarize everything that happened this week, but I’ll do my best!!

We all signed the contract officially making us a part of the Race, so there’s a sense of finality in the air. We were already committed, but seeing it on a piece of paper makes it so much more real!

Another big change is how few people are here now. There were originally 8 Squads, and we did sessions, meals, and cleaning all together. Now, we’re down to 3 (all for the 9 month trips), and the place seems so empty, but we’re all beyond thrilled for them to be out doing God’s work!!

We got the opportunity to get some real life practice in on Friday! We were sent out in groups of 2 or 3 to share the Good News with everyone we could! There was a feeling of surrealness to know that at any moment, we could speak with someone who might give their life to Jesus for the first time! I wasn’t in a group that was able to witness such a miracle, but I did get to talk with people who seemed so hungry for Jesus, it broke my heart! I’ll do a longer post detailing my experience in a few days!

There have been more simulations than teachings lately, and I’ve been loving it! The teachings are always so good, but there’s something truly amazing about getting to put into practice what you’re learning about! My favorite so far has been a marketplace simulation, where we had to navigate crowds as we tried to buy dinner for our team!

I’ve been getting closer and closer with the people in my Squad! Everyone is so kind and funny, it makes me feel right at home!! Days have been spent playing games, discussing how incredible it is to see God at work, making the strangest videos you could ever imagine, and dancing at every opportunity possible! We’re known as the Joy Squad! (And also, the Squad that brought a million snacks)

On Thursday we had Squad Wars, where the Squads all competed against one another to take home the title of Winner!! We didn’t win any games, but we tied for the most spirit! It was exhausting, but so much fun!!!

Later, Thursday night, we had a revival night and baptisms! We had a revival night last week, and it was incredible, but this one took it to a whole other level!! There was a mix of humble awe and child-like joy all throughout the night! As people were baptized, you could hear the cheering from outside! As a result of all the hugs, not one person remained dry! It was really a blessed night!

I’ll end asking for prayer. The enemy knows we’re a threat, and he’s been trying to worm his way into any area not protected constantly by prayer. Please be praying for unity among my Squad, wisdom among the leadership team, and a oneness with one another and God!

2 responses to “Training Camp: Week 2”

  1. Sofia! I cannot begin to tell you the joy I have in my heart after reading this post! I’m imagining all the things you mentioned and seeing you in action. This is the little girl I remember…full of smiles and full of life and laughter. You’re like a little bird leaving the nest for the first time…full of adventure, just waiting to use all the things you have been taught while under your parents home! And we get to witness the person God has created you to be. So beautiful and wonderfully made!

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