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The goodbyes have been said. The items have been packed. The plane has been boarded and left. Now all that’s left is to meet my Squad, attend Training Camp, and grow more into the person God wants me to be!

It’s been a wild journey so far, and it hasn’t even started! Saying goodbye has been so hard, but even through something as heart breaking as knowing you won’t see your closest family and friends for 9 months, God’s hand has been so obvious and comforting! He’s placed people everywhere I’ve needed help, so even though I’ve never traveled by myself before, I’ve felt no anxiety or uncertainty! “Cast all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.” I’ve casted my anxieties on Him, and now I get to see the way He cares for me!

I still struggle with not letting go of some things–I am human, after all!–but the peace I’ve felt from trusting God to do what’s best for me has been so awe inspiring! It’s like seeing a taste of why Jesus could sleep through the storm! I truly hope everyone experiences it at least once in their life, and I’m so excited to maybe play a part in helping others to feel that peace!!

Thank you for all your prayers, and this won’t be the last you hear of me!!

6 responses to “The moment has come…”

  1. I love hearing from you, Sofia! The way in which you share your heart is absolutely beautiful! Looking forward to hearing from you again as you journey through this time and place where God has chosen to lead you❤️

  2. It was great to hear from you. I enjoyed reading your experience. Being at peace with your situation is such a blessing!! It allows you to be content, confident, restful and joyful. Sounds like the Kingdom of God to me. Grammy and I are praying for you. Showing Gods peace in your life to others is such a worthy calling.

    May the peace of God surprise you in the middle of all you face on this trip.

  3. I love how you describe that deep feeling of peace! Praying for you and this journey. It will be life altering not only for the people you impact but also your own walk with Christ. Thank you for sharing!

  4. How wonderful it is to have the peace of Christ in your life and that you experienced that already!! That peace is a gift and so grateful God has given that to you already!!

  5. What a gift we have in Jesus! Thank you for keeping us updated. We look forward to reading along as you share your heart and what the Lord is up to!

  6. My sweet Sofia! So proud of this woman you’ve become! It was so good to hear that you didn’t feel anxious about traveling, what a sweet assurance of God’s faithfulness! Love you so much. Uncle Marty and I are praying for you.

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