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Okay, so, the whole point of having a week of debrief is to process what happened during domestic ministry and… to rest up before we leave for Guatemala. So, as a result, not a lot happened this week, but I’m still going to tell you all about it!

After the hurricane, the rules got bent a little for K-Squad, so we were able to see our parents! My Mom was here for Sunday and Monday, and it was so great getting to spend that time with her!

We spent a lot of time shopping, then returning items when a lot of my stuff was recovered from the ruined cabins Sunday night! Not everything was found, but all my favorite, and hardest to replace, items were! This includes my sleeping bag and passport!! Both in perfect condition!!!

It was so great getting to spend some one on one time with my Mom! It was really sad saying goodbye, but it wasn’t as hard as saying goodbye the first time. I love you, Mom, thanks for making the trip out!!

Not much happened over the next two days. We had team debriefs, where we talked with our Coaches about our overall Training Camp experience. We had a slow integration into doing things normally again. And we had a lot of time to process and rest.

I think all the rest was good, and that we needed it, but I did struggle with boredom and having too much time on my hands. I think after the busyness of Training Camp and Domestic Missions, I didn’t know what to do with spare time😆

Night time was always intentional Squad time! We did a movie night, a fall themed party, a late night Waffle House run, and a game night! They’re always so much fun! I’ve been staying up pretty late as a result… but it’s fine, because if I’m ever really tired, there’s plenty of time to take a nap!

My Bible was lost in the landslide, and I’ve been really missing reading things off of paper (I’ve been able to read my Bible off the Bible App), so I started reading the 49th Mystic again! It hasn’t even been a month since I last finished the series, but it’s just SO GOOD!

I feel like God’s been teaching me how to be content even if things aren’t how I want them to be. And also, of course, how to continue in the process of surrendering everything I think should be, so I can see how good God is! The journey’s been a little rough this past week, but He’s still letting me know that above all, He is GOOD!

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