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This was the shortest simulation we’ve done so far, but it’s arguably the most important. My Squad had a teaching on how to share the Gospel, and then we were told to pair up and imagine we were on a sinking ship, with only 90 seconds to share the Gospel.

I’ll tell you everything we had to sum up.

1: God created us for a perfect relationship with Him.

2: We didn’t hold up our end of it. We sinned (which is anything you think, say, or do that doesn’t uphold God’s holiness). The punishment for sin is death and eternal separation from God.

3: God knew we couldn’t fix the relationship from our end, so He gave His one and only Son to be the perfect sacrifice.

4: Jesus came to earth as a human, died on the cross, then rose from the grave and is inviting us to join Him in eternal life!

5: In order to accept this gift, we have to confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead.

6: Do you want this?

This might seem easy to say in 90 seconds, but I tend to just ramble, and I was barely able to save the person I was paired with the first round… and then I wasn’t saved when it was their turn to save me.

The second round we had 2 minutes, but we also had to include part of our testimony. Maybe it was from the practice earlier, but it felt much easier this time, and I was able to save my partner and be saved!

It was so stressful needing to do it in just a few minutes, but I’m confident now that I’ll be able to share the Gospel when the time comes!!

3 responses to “Simulations: Sinking Ship”

  1. What a great exercise Sofia! It sounds like they are giving you great tools to go out and do God’s work. I give you a lot of credit because it’s not an easy conversation to strike up with someone especially a stranger. Prayers for you and your squad to continue to sew good seed and reap the harvest. Have a good weekend! Love you G Auntie Kim

  2. Oh Sofia! I remember having to learn this when I was in Belize. It was terrifying…but also so helpful! When it came time to actually go out and share my testimony, I was able to share it confidently and with ease! Instead of being nervous and fearful, I was able to see them as God’s children…the one He sacrificed His life for! Thank you for sharing with us! I love to hear what God is doing in your life🙏🏽🤍

  3. Sharing personal info with a stranger all the while your ship is going down…aye yai yai… how stressful!

    Sounds like your scenario week was a good one. We are thinking about, praying for, and proud of you!

    Excited for more to come!!!

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