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I forgot to post this before I got to Guatemala. This was from the week of debrief!

I was so tired going into this revival night, because we’d spent all day at the lake (which was so much fun, but if you know me, then you know that spending all day at a beach is even more exhausting to me than running a 5K). I was fully prepared to spend this entire revival night sitting down, just having my own personal time with God.

That’s not what happened.

The worship team (who all happened to be on my Squad!!) was only playing songs that I knew, so of course I was going to stand and sing! And they just kept playing songs that I knew. I never felt called to jump or dance, but it was very comfortable to just stand and worship.

Then people started going up and sharing. No more than one at a time, but we probably had people share every 15 minutes! It was cool, because people would share what God was putting on their hearts, and it was just so encouraging!

We were led through an activation in unity. We were asked to repent of any grievance or annoyance we’ve held against anyone on our Squad. This was done privately, but we were invited to listen if God was prompting us to apologize to them.

Then we were invited to go to someone if we’d talked about them behind their back, and ask for their forgiveness. As the leader of the activation put it, “Wouldn’t it stop you from gossiping if you knew you were going to share exactly what you said about them.”

We were given a lot of time in this exercise, but then we were slowly eased into the next phase of this revival night. Speaking in authority against sickness! I think someone on a different Squad got healed from something, but I’m not sure. It was so cool to see everyone praying for healing!

We ended the night by getting prayed over. Everyone who was traveling was gathered into the middle of the room, and everyone who was staying behind circled around us to pray safety, peace, and health over us!

When we were released, everyone started jumping up and down and singing some of our favorite worship songs! It was very different from our normal revival nights, but it was so good for what we needed!

One response to “Revival: Freedom in Jesus Name”

  1. Sounds like a great night being in the house of The Lord! Praise and worship is so powerful. A day on the lake is always good but wears you out for sure. Lots of healing is so good for the soul. Such a great experience for all the of you and such harmony!

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