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As you’ve probably guessed from the title, this was our last week of ministry in Eswatini. This week was quite different from the previous weeks, because there were only 12 of us still living on base.

Why? Because this week was PVT (Parent Vision Trip), which meant all of the Racers whose parents came went to a hostel for the week, to be closer to their parents. This is a week for parents to see how much their kids have grown; kids to watch their parents grow deeper in the Lord; and those of us with parents still in the States to dig deep in new friendships.

I can’t tell you much of what happened during PVT, because my parents didn’t feel called to come, but I can tell you what happened from my end of things!

As I said earlier, 12 of us were still on base. Those 12 were the leaders (Kait, Kayli, Emily, Libby, and Jack Boone), Cimmie, Emilee, Sophie, Hannah, Aaliyah, Kennedy, and me. We all did ministry together this week, and we went to different Carepoints (Kait and Kayli’s Carepoints from when they first went on the Race).

PVT Racers left on Saturday, so the rest of that day and the next were spent relaxing, getting stuff done, and doing things together (like going out for dinner or playing games).

Monday came, and since Carepoints are closed on Mondays (for the shepards to receive training), it was basically another rest day, but with one big exception. This was the day PVT Racers and parents came back to base, to meet all the non-PVT Racers and see what our living space has looked like for the past few weeks. We had lunch and worship together, intermingled for a bit, then they all left and the base was empty again.

Tuesday came along, and it was our first day doing ministry in our new ministry team. We went to Kait’s old Carepoint, and got to meet new kids, a new shepard, and play on a new playground! We played with the kids until it started raining, then we hid from the raining and played quieter games with the kids (many of them fell asleep during this time). It felt like no time had gone by before it was time for us to leave, but not before Kait said goodbye to all the kids again.

Wednesday was focused on internal ministry (since the Carepoints were closed for the shepards to receive more training), so we worshiped together, listened to a podcast together, then most people took naps until dinner. The Coaches had joined us yesterday, so we all went out to eat again, and partied on the bus back to base.

Thursday was our last day of ministry, and we went to Kayli’s old Carepoint. The morning was spent doing house visits (I got to see some little puppies!!!) and by the time lunch came around, we’d walked almost 4 miles! I talked with Emilee for a long time, then played with the kids until it was time to go (this day flew by even faster than Tuesday).

Friday (the day I’m writing this) was spent packing and cleaning up base. I had the “lovely” surprise of finding a nest of ants in my tent and a toad in my shoe, but I was still packed just in time. We finished cleaning early, then waited for the bus to come and take us to our debrief location!

And that was my week!


2 responses to “Last Week”

  1. A toad in your shoe! Did you name it? It obviously liked you. I bet the puppies were like a little bit of home.

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