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I’m so sorry for how long it’s been since I shared, but I was sick for the past week and stranded from wifi, so there’s been no way to post. Don’t worry, I’m better now, and it was just a mild sickness that dragged on for far too long!

There’s both so much to tell all of you, and too little. So much, because the days here are so full, and God is revealing a new aspect of His character everyday. So little, because there’s so little that can be expressed in words. It’s hard to tell you all about the days, because so much of it is routine habits with a fresh mindset every day.

We’ve been doing ministry Mondays through Fridays, but you already know that. How can I tell you about the little exchanges with the students that leave me grinning for hours afterwards? How can I tell you about the looks my team exchanges every time we cram inside a chicken bus, a look that says, “Can you even believe we’re so blessed to be here right now?” How can I tell you about the ways God has been drawing me closer to Him, through things as small as an off hand comment meant as a joke?

I can tell you about all these things I experience, but I can’t do them justice, so there’s a part of me that wonders, “What’s even the point?”

But even through this, God is revealing more of Himself! The Bible tells us about the love of God, but the words are so empty compared to the real thing that they’re almost not worth wasting breath on. Does that mean we don’t spend time in the Bible? No! It simply means that we need to keep in mind that there’s a much deeper relationship to be had, past the ink on page; a relationship where we’re constantly being stretched, pruned, and grown more in God’s image! Does this make sense?

Now, for a few practical examples of what I’ve been doing every day, just so you can picture me living life!

Every night, after team time (which is always so much fun), I head into the dining hall, where a game of Euchre is sure to be found! Puzzles are always out, and I’ve been spending a fair amount of time piecing them together! And, for my last fun fact, every day, I write about the previous day in my journal, so I can look back at my experiences in Guatemala when I come back home!

Please keep us all in your prayers as we strive to do God’s work in Guatemala and in our own hearts!

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