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This week was mostly spent getting comfortable in our new home and becoming familiar with the customs of the people who live here, but we still had quite a few adventures!

My team’s first trip off base was to Chimal Tenango, to go to the famous Mega Paca, a giant thrift store. We were on a time crunch, but we still managed to navigate the busy streets and shop, with time enough for a quick stop at a coffee shop! However, when it came to getting back to base, we needed God to guide us, which He did with such faithfulness! I’ll try to write more on it at some point, because it really is such a cool story!

We also learned how to navigate the streets of Antigua on our Adventure Day! We have Saturdays and Sundays off, with Saturdays being the Adventure day and Sunday being our day of rest!

This Sabbath, I mostly spent reading my books (they have a whole library on base!) and falling more and more in love in Jesus! It was so relaxing, and I would go for such long stretches where I couldn’t wipe the grin off my face!

I’m learning so much about God while I’m here! I’ve already read 2 books that increased my understanding of the spiritual gifts and spiritual warfare, and I just want to scream with excitement! I love learning and I love Jesus, so learning more about Jesus has been so amazing!

My team has also been doing a Bible study on 2 Corinthians and we’ve been learning so much about the glory of God, how big He really is, and what we’re called to do for his kingdom!

Nights at the base have been spent in team time (time set aside for intentional team bonding), and playing games! Volleyball, basketball, hacky sack, soccer, and all the weird little games that we come up with!

So yeah, life’s pretty much been amazing! We’re all growing so close, in our community and in our intimacy with God! We’re doing more and more for God’s kingdom as we are slowly starting ministry! And there’s something about the base that just brings so much supernatural rest!

Please be praying that we continue to fall more and more in love with God, that more of His character is revealed, and that we will be bold when we are called to share His love!

4 responses to “Guatemala! Week 1!”

  1. Wow Sophia. Couldn’t ask for a better report. I love your hunger and desire to love God more. As you do that He is so faithful to reveal himself more and more to you. Keep this beautiful growing cycle going!!!

    • Amazing when we are obedient to God how he reveals himself to us. Prayers for you to continue to grow and soak up his word and love. May you grow in Confidence in sharing Jesus. Be safe!

    • Thank you for your updates. I don’t always get your blog. I’m happy you are getting closer to our savior

  2. This is so beautiful to read! I find my heart just bursting! So proud of you my sweet Sofia!!! Also, I LOVE Antigua! Isn’t the volcano so cool? Did you do the hike up to the cross? Love you so much.