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This was our last day of ministry. Originally, ministry on Friday was canceled because it was going to be raining too heavily for us to do anything, so there was a sense of finality about this day.

We headed back to Black Mountain Home for Children, Youth, and Families. This time, instead of outdoor work, since it was raining consistently, we focused on the indoors. Most of our group was set to work in the building we’d had all of our meetings in. They did everything from a deep clean to designing a bulletin board!

I volunteered with Ashlyna and Ella to pack up the office of a woman who was switching to working remotely. We had to pack up all her personal belongings in boxes (we’d been told by sticky notes how to organize those boxes), then, when we were finished with that, we had to move the furniture to be out of the way.

Lunch came and we were almost finished with the boxes, so we decided to enlist the help of Zach and Marshall in moving the furniture. There were a few miscommunications, so stuff got moved back and forth a couple times, but we were able to finish up in a half hour.

We’d been told during lunch that whenever we finished what we were doing, to head over to the thrift store, where they needed lots of help. So, we texted the leaders for a ride and headed over to the thrift store.

There, we had to sort through boxes of donated stuff and determine whether it was sellable or trashable. The general rule of thumb was, “If it ain’t broke, don’t trash it.” Let me just say, people can get really creative when they donate to a thrift store. There were so many items we would look at and think, “What even is this?”

We had so many enormous boxes to got through, but again, we did it within a few hours! Then I was moved to organizing the clothes that were being put up for sale by color and size. I didn’t get tired until I was doing this job. Then, I felt so tired that I was ready to just drop and go to bed.

Luckily, I didn’t have to do this for long before we were done with ministry and headed back to our cabins. After resting for a bit, I was ready to participate in some group activities!

We attempted to teach 8 people how to play Euchre, but only 4 stuck it through to the end. Then, during our game, we got interrupted by a dance party, which ended as suddenly as it started. Then I hung out with Abby, Abi, and Zach until I was ready for bed.

And now you all know about my week of domestic missions!

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