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Hi everybody!

Sorry for the wait, I was camping all of last week, but I’ve got something amazing to share!

I spend most of my camping trips reading, which is maybe a little odd but I love it so much!! I recently finished reading the Outlaw Chronicles by Ted Dekker, and I have to share what I’ve been learning!

The three books tackle common beliefs that simply aren’t true, using scripture and compelling storytelling. Christy hates the way she looks and is willing to do anything to change it. Austin is always searching for knowledge and, as a result, can never find peace. Alice believes the only way to stay pure is to follow hundreds of rules, which pull her under and deny her even the most basic of freedoms. And Nyah has suffered through terrible loss and does WHATEVER she can to be sure death will not take anyone else from her.

We’ve all had these thoughts at some point or another. Maybe not to the same extent, but enough that we can empathize and understand what the characters are going through. Which makes Ted Dekker’s message all the more powerful.

We’re not ugly; God created us perfect. If God looked at your creation and called it “good”, then who are we to correct Him?

Knowledge isn’t everything; faith requires trust without proof. If knowledge were everything, then those of us who know more would be better than those who know less, and God doesn’t create some of us better than others.

The law is a raging storm, impossible to navigate; Jesus is the one who allows us to walk on water. If we could win God’s favor by following rules, then why did Jesus claim to be the only way to the Father?

Death is not evil; Death is only a shadow. If we were meant to fear death, why would Jesus say to not fear those who kill the body?

It’s hard to explain these ground breaking truths in just a few words, but it feels wrong to keep it to myself. If anyone wants a deeper explanation, feel free to comment and ask! I love talking about this stuff!

One response to “Camping Truths”

  1. Oh I can already tell I’m going to love you having a blog! These truths are so important, and you explained them in such an understandable way. I vote you go deeper in one of your posts!

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