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Here’s another sample of our Thursday lessons!

This week was on evangelism (as you’ve probably guessed from the title of this blog), and while it started out giving us reasons why it’s important to the share the Gospel, it was mostly on different ways to share!

First, reasons why it’s important to share the Gospel! Jesus asked us to, for the purpose of bringing people of the Kingdom of Heaven, and he didn’t just ask missionaries, or evangelists, or even only extroverts, but all of us!

And he didn’t just call us to share the Gospel in other countries! He said to share the Gospel “in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” In modern day language, that’s roughly “in our city, state, country, and everywhere else!”

So, there’s no excuse to keep quiet about the Gospel, so the next step is how to share it! We were given 9 different ways to start a conversation, and now I’m going to share them with you!

1: Using a physical tool. There are so many physical ways to show the Gospel! FCA uses a bracelet, I use the 5 finger method, and so many people use the 3 circle method! Research them, and choose your favorite!

2: Through prayer. This is such a great excuse to go up and talk to someone! It doesn’t have to be anything long and elaborate! And it makes such a great transition to talking about the Gospel!

3: Prophetic words. This isn’t something we practice very often, but it’s so powerful! Ask God to give you a word on someone, and listen for an answer! He doesn’t always answer, but He answers more than you might think!

4: Have an excuse to talk to them. This could be a question or a comment about literally anything! Having one in your back pocket will never go wrong, especially if you already have the transition to God ready!

5: Small talk. Remember, lots of little questions often leads to deeper conversation!

6: Share your testimony. It can be hard, but having your testimony ready to share can touch far more people than you might guess!

7: Praying healing over someone. Even if nothing happens (but don’t go into it expecting nothing to happen, because God does still heal today!) it’s still a way to start a conversation!

8: Through art. Paint a picture and inscribe it with a verse! Create a craft that leads to the Gospel. Be creative! Then give it to someone!

9: Act out a Bible story. This is more so for kids, but it’s still worth mentioning (especially for those who help out during Sunday school!)

This list is by no means the only ways to share the Gospel. Be creative! And keep in mind how powerful prayer is! If you’re ever unsure whether you’re supposed to talk to someone, remember this: your flesh doesn’t usually want to share the Gospel with strangers. If you feel led to talk with someone it’s almost certainly from God!