During Awakening, K Squad was asked to share something with the rest of the Squads. We were given an hour slot and complete liberty to use it however we wanted. The only request was that we circled around one point, and we chose remembrance.
Abby opened us with the reading of Joshua 3 (I don’t know the exact verses, but it was the part that focused on how God allowed them to cross the Jordan, and how they stacked stones to always remind them of what God has done for them), then Jackson shared a brief message on remembrance.
I’ll share what stood out the most to me. He said something we as Christians often struggle with is not wanting to be prideful, so we don’t share what God has done for us. But this just makes us forget what He’s done for us, and how can we take pride in what was never our works?
Another thing he pointed out is the enemy will often try to make us forget what God has done for us, because if we forget what God has done before, we will struggle with believing he can do it again.
So, I’m going to share some of the testimonies that members of K Squad shared, and I’m going to share the same point they shared!
Of course, a big thing we’ve gone through was the landslide. I’ve already written about this several times, so I won’t share more than how Isabella focused on all the good that God brought out of it, and how we are still marked by joy after all of that!
Abby, Cimmie, and Ashlyn then shared about blind eyes being opened, also something I’ve already told you about. They wanted to point out that Jesus still works today in the same ways he worked 2,000 years ago.
Then Ashley shared a testimony of how God called her to pray something extremely specific (I don’t remember what it was exactly, but it was something along the lines of seeing the intense power of God followed by the innocence of a child) and got to see her prayer be answered. I haven’t written about this before, so I’ll share it in more details.
Ashley was having a one on one with our mentor in Antigua, during Guatemala debrief, and she was really hungry. So they got lunch, took a seat on the bench in the park, and were just talking. Then a man came up and started speaking in Spanish to them. Ashley doesn’t know more Spanish than, “Hello, how are you?”, so she was shocked to realize she could understand that the man was asking her for food. Using Google Translate (because she didn’t know how to speak Spanish), she asked him if he wanted her lunch, and he accepted it and prayer so gratefully. And get this, the moment she her lunch left her hands, every ounce of hunger left her body. How cool is our God!
But wait, it gets better. Because as soon as the man left, these little Guatemalan girls came up to Ashley, giggling and talking in Spanish. She didn’t know what they were saying this time, but God gave us Google Translate, so she was able to use it to learn they were asking if they could take a picture with her. The innocence of a child following the power of God!
Then Marshall shared about the boys’ time in Lesotho. He talked about the reluctance he had going into a little country in the middle of nowhere, and how God completely changed his heart and made Lesotho into his favorite country so far! He talked about prison ministry, witnessing healings, and getting to serve the people of Lesotho with God’s love!
Aaliyah then shared of the 44 salvations Rivers and Jubilee got to witness while evangelizing in Durban… and did I mention they all happened in one week!!! From middle schoolers to high schoolers, from Uber drivers to random people, from those who’ve never heard the Gospel to a Muslim, God touched so many people, and gave us a testimony of hope for those we’ve been praying to see salvation in for so long! Never give up praying for those family members and friends who still need Jesus!
To close out, Aubrey walked everyone through a remembrance exercise called stacking stones. Take a piece of paper, draw 12 circles (stones) on it (preferably, they should be stacked), then write inside of beside every way God has worked in your life! It’s such a great exercise to remember what God has done in your life, and what He can do in your life again!
What great work all of you are doing building God’s kingdom here on earth! Praise God! Keep sharing the faith and prayers for hearts to break through. Stay healthy be safe praying for you and your squad. Much love!
I’m really enjoying reading your posts. The idea of remembering is so important to walking in faith. Thanks for the reminder.